Suddenly there is snap out of nowhere comes a pink flash, and the fly is gone. The Toad swallows it and then disappears in to the pond. Toads (amphibians in the order Anura. Family) are known for their well designed tongue that has started to show us that it can do more than just catch flies on a sunny day. The muscle itself can create a force that is 700x more powerful than the toads’ total weight.
Considering the mechanics of this powerful muscle researchers have found that it can be taken in to the design of new and better tendons for humans. Arizona's State Universities Human Machine Integration Laboratory are creating SPARKy (Spring Ankle with Regenerative Kinetics). When made this will store and give out energy while the cycle of the ankle in is full work. When created the device can be used for neuromuscular diseases such as Parkinson’s.
More and more information is coming out about this fascinating new discovery. This could be used to aid the design of electric motors.
Medical News Today